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Earth Sciences


Next are listed the available references comprised within the subject Earth Sciences. Select any of them for direct access to their bibliographical file. So as to expedite choice, title, publishing house and date of publication are included.

This section contains all those works dealing with general questions related to our planet, including geology, oceanography, atmospheric physics, etc.


  1. Dead Mars, Dying Earth. John E. Brandenburg, Monica Rix Paxon. 1999. The Crossing Press.
  2. El Misterio de los Océanos. McGraw-Hill/Interamericana de España, S.A. 1992.
  3. La Exploración de la Tierra desde el Espacio. McGraw-Hill/Interamericana de España, S.A. 1992.
  4. Las Tormentas. De las Antiguas Creencias a la Moderna Meteorología. McGraw-Hill/Interamericana de España, S.A. 1991.
  5. Objetivo la Tierra. Colisiones con Asteroides: Pasado y Futuro. McGraw-Hill/Interamericana de España, S.A. 1993.
  6. Montañas de Fuego. La Naturaleza de los Volcanes. McGraw-Hill/Interamericana de España, S.A. 1992.
  7. The Aurora. Sun-Earth Interactions. John Wiley & Sons, Lted. 1996.
  8. The Determination of Geophysical Parameters from Space. IOP Publishing Ltd. 1996.
  9. The Dynamic Earth. An Introduction to Physical Geology. Fourth Edition. Brian J. Skinner & Stephen C. Porter. 2000. John Wiley & Sons, Lted.
  10. The Holes in the Ozono Scare. The Scientific Evidence that the Sky Isn't Falling. 21st Century Science Associates. 1996.


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