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-Title: La Exploración de la Tierra Desde el Espacio.
Jon Erickson.
McGraw-Hill/Interamericana de España, S.A.
12 + 268
B/W and color photos and graphics.
-Publication Date:
-Collection: Serie McGraw-Hill de Divulgación Científica.
-ISBN: 84-7615-781-9

Front Cover


La Exploración de la Tierra desde el Espacio shows and describes us how satellites are used to explore the Earth. By means of satellites in orbit we can foresee the formation of earthquakes and hurricanes, as well as obtain information about the Earth, like mineral sites or densely polluted areas or zones having high indexes of pollution. The weather forecast, mineral explorations, agricultural studies, disaster control (earthquakes, hurricanes) and other similar events are analyzed in this book.

(Extracted from the back cover).



-1- El Descubrimiento del Espacio.
-2- La Exploración de los Planetas.
-3- La Observación del Firmamento.
-4- Detección a Distancia.
-5- Interpretación de las Imágenes.
-6- Detección a Distancia por Radar.
-7- La Observación del Tiempo Meteorológico.
-8- La Observación de los Océanos.
-9- La Observación de la Tierra.
-10- Cartografía de los Recursos Minerales.
-11- Evaluación de los Recursos Agrícolas.
-12- Los Desastres Naturales.



The well-known science writer Jon Erickson invites us in this occasion to get to know how artificial satellites are used for the research and control of terrestrial resources, the scientific exploration of the terrestrial surface, as well as the meteorological watch and other areas of interest. From their unique platform, the orbital devices dominate vast extensions of land that otherwise could not be observed. Erickson makes a brief historical introduction of the astronautical events that have allowed us to reach the current status and to make use of satellites in this range of applications. Then, he describes the latter one by one, and finishes the book with a comprehensive bibliography.

Each of the themes is examined in a sequential way in the different chapters of the book, yet always taking into account its being aimed at a non-specialized readership, so that the average reader can get to understand the contents. The work is lavishly illustrated with numerous photographs and graphics, this being the best way to appreciate the work done by the satellites orbiting the Earth.


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