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-Title: Montañas de Fuego. La Naturaleza de los Volcanes.
Robert W. Decker; Barbara B. Decker.
McGraw-Hill/Interamericana de España, S.A.
B/W and color photos and graphics.
-Publication Date:
-Collection: Serie McGraw-Hill de Divulgación Científica.
-ISBN: 84-481-0089-1

Front Cover


The eruption of a volcano inspires a certain degree of respect. In this book, with 100 photos and sketches of eruptions, we will see, study and analyze the devastating beauty of its effects, and in its 27 color photos the volcanic activity can be appreciated in all its strength. The greatest volcanic eruptions having occurred on the Earth are reviewed. So as to know about the activity of volcanoes on Mars, first we must understand about those on Earth. More than 1,300 potentially active volcanoes on our planet are known, of which about 50 produce eruptions every year. The purpose of this book is to shed some light on what vulcanologists know and hope to find.

(Extracted from the back cover).



-Los Volcanes Activos de la Superficie Terrestre.
-Parte 1. Las Montañas Volcánicas.
-1. ¿Qué es un Volcán?
-2. Los Cinturones Volcánicos.
-3. Las Erupciones Volcánicas.
-4. Las Fases de la Vida de los Volcanes.
-5. Los Volcanes del Sistema Solar.
-Parte 2. Las Rocas Volcánicas.
-6. La Roca Fundida.
-7. Las Coladas de Lava.
-8. La Precipitación Volcánica.
-9. Coladas Piroclásticas, Aludes y Coladas de Barro.
-Parte 3. El Riesgo Volcánico y la Recompensa.
-10. Las Catástrofes Volcánicas.
-11. La Producción de las Erupciones Volcánicas.
-12. El Tiempo Volcánico.
-13. Los Bienes Volcánicos.
-14. Los Volcanes y la Vida.
-Lecturas Complementarias.



MONTAÑAS DE FUEGO, through the witness accounts of people who got to live through a volcanic eruption and in some cases even survive it, leads us to know some interesting, basic data about vulcanism, with the help of two experts in this topic who tell us of the genesis and the development of terrestrial volcanoes, a necessary premise to understand these phenomena in the Solar System.

Robert Decker is an expert scientific researcher from the Observatory for the Study of Volcanoes in Hawaii, whose knowledge about vulcanism and geology developed in Indonesia, Islandia, Central America, Hawaii, Alaska and the western areas of the United States make him the best choice to explain to the non-specialized reader on everything one needs to know about volcanoes. Barbara Decker, a science writer specialized in Natural History and a direct witness of the eruptions at Mount St. Helens, Kilauea and Maumeloa, complements the task of her colleague in this complete, concise work, whose contents, expressed in a pleasant, easy to read language, lead us to get to know the different types of volcanoes, their distribution in our planet, the phases of their lives, the type of rocks they produce, the volcanic catastrophes, and the benefits they can bring to our civilization, besides commenting on their influence in life and the phenomenon of vulcanism in the Solar System. The glossary of scientific terms unavoidably utilized throughout the explanations given, otherwise full of anecdotes and illustrative sketches and drawings, help us to understand the geological terminology, thus rendering this book a useful, interesting book for the non-specialized average reader. The bibliography included at the end of the book will allow those readers who want to study this issue in further depth to widen their knowledge about this fascinating world, giving them access to other information sources just as interesting as this one.


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