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-Title: A History of the European Space Agency 1958-1987. Volume II. The Story of ESA 1973-1987.
J. Krige, A. Russo, L. Sebesta.
ESA Publications Division.
16 + 703
B/W graphics and photos.
-Publication Date:
-Collection: SP-1235

Front Cover


This volume deals with the history of the European Space Agency from 1973, the year which concluded Volume I of our study, to 1987, a year punctuated by a Ministerial Conference in The Hague at which a very ambitious programme intended to carry the European space effort into the new millenium was voted. It thus deals with the implementation of the palette of programmes in space science and applications, as well as the Ariane and Spacelab programmes, adopted by Ministers in the First and Second Package Deals in 1971 and 1973 respectively.

(Extracted from the Preface).




-Author's Preface.
-1. The Transition form ESRO and ELDO to ESA and the Drafting of the ESA Convention1.
-2. The Development of ESA, 1975 to 1987.
-3. The Scientific Programme between ESRO and ESA (1973-1977).
-4. The Definition of ESA's Scientific Programme for the 1980s.
-5. Towards the Turn of the Century.
-6. The Third Phase of the Telecommunications Programme: ECS, Marecs and Olympus.
-7. The European Meteorological Satellite Programme.
-8. The Aeronautical Satellite System: an Example of International Bargaining.
-9. The Decision Taken in the Early 1970s to Develop an Expendable European Heavy Satellite Launcher.
-10. The Availability of American Launchers and Europe's Decision "To Go It Alone".
-11. The Move from Ariane Development to Production and the Establishment of Arianespace.
-12. Extending the Familiy. The Upgrading of Ariane-1 and the Decision to Develop Ariane-5.
-13. Spacelab in Context.
-A: The Fist Phase: 1969-1973.
-B: The Implementation of the Programme, 1973-1983.
-C: Concluding Remarks.
-14. The European Use of Spacelab.
-15. The Space Station.


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