This is the first of two volumes dealing with the
history of the European Space Agency and its predecessors, the European
Space Research Organisation, and the European Launcher Development
Organisation. It covers the period from the birth of ESRO and ELDO, in the
early 1960s, up to 1973. In that year the decision was taken to bring ESRO
and ELDO together in a new organisation (ESA) and the programmatic basis
for the new agency was laid with the adoption of the so-called Second
Package Deal. This arrangement, and the First Package Deal of 1971,
allowed for a mandatory programme to be supplemented by optional
applications programmes in various fields, as well as two major
undertakings, the Ariane launcher and Spacelab, a scientific laboratory to
be carried on board NASA's Space Shuttle. The detailed evolution of these
programmes is not discussed here. They are taken up in Volume
II, which concludes the history of ESA up to 1987. An epilogue
schematically describes the reorientation in the Agency's priorities in
the decade thereafter.
(Extracted from the Preface).
- -Contents.
- -Foreword by Prof. Reimar Lüst.
- -Foreword by Mr. Antonio Rodotà.
- -Foreword by K.-E. Reuter.
- -Author's Preface.
- -Abbreviations and Acronyms.
- -Introduction: The Beginning of the Space Age.
- -1. The Pioneers: From Amaldi's
"Euroluna" Vision to the Creation of COPERS.
- -2. The Early Activities of the COPERS and the
Setting up of ESRO.
- -3. The Launch of ELDO.
- -4. The Reorientation of ELDO's Programme and the
First Steps Towards a Coordinated European Space Effort.
- -5. Implementing ESRO's First Scientific Programme.
- -6. The Rise and Fall of ESRO's First Major
Scientific Project: the Large Astronomical Satellite (LAS).
- -7. The COS-B Satellite: A Case Study in ESRO's
Selection Procedures.
- -8. ESRO's Satellite Programme in 1969-1973: The
Definition of a Scientific Policy and the "First Package
- -9. The Beginning of the Telecommunications
Satellite Programme in ESRO.
- -10. The Early Development of ESRO's Telecom
Programme and the OTS Project.
- -11. The Long Struggle to Adopt a Balanced European
Space Programme.
- -12. US-European Cooperation in Space During the
- -13. US-European Space Cooperation in the
Post-Apollo Programme: Setting the Stage.
- -Bibliography.
- -Appendix 1: Chairmanships in ESRO/ELDO/ESA.
- -Appendix 2: The History Study Reports.
- -Index.