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-Title: Luz, Láser y Óptica.
John H. Mauldin.
McGraw-Hill/Interamericana de España, S.A.
14 + 390
B/W graphics.
-Publication Date:
-Collection: Serie McGraw-Hill de Divulgación Científica.
-ISBN: 84-7615-769-X

Front Cover


Luz, Láser y Optica explores the uses of light in its multiple aspects and gives us the informations on the necessary aspects to select a good equipment of optics for cameras and telescopes. Likewise, it explains the way in which light affects the plants, animals and people, and researches the problems of the development of the high-power lasers. It also analyses the practical uses of holography and explains the concepts of the kaleidoscopes and three-dimensional images.

(Extracted from the back cover).



-1. La Luz.
-2. Ondas.
-3. Luz y Electromagnetismo.
-4. Optica Geométrica.
-5. Optica Geométrica Avanzada.
-6. Instrumentos Opticos: Aplicaciones de la Optica Geométrica.
-7. Difracción.
-8. Interferencias.
-9. Interacción de la Luz y la Materia.
-10. Polarización.
-11. Cuantos de Luz.
-12. Teoría Atómica y Luz.
-13. Láseres.
-14. Luz e Información.
-15. Optica no Lineal y Otras Aplicaciones Actuales.
-16. Percepción Visual.
-17. Color.



The book we are reviewing here is a true treaty aimed at all kinds of readers about everything that has to do with light and optics. Here we will find all the necessary information to understand the physical principles, not only in a theoretical way but also in a practical manner, since the author includes a great amount of experiences that we can carry out how and when we so wish. In this sense, as it is an eminently divulgative book, Mauldin's work can nonetheless be a good introduction for students and for those readers interested in this issue.

Amateur astronomers, photographers, artists and many other individuals will find here adequate explanations that directly affect their interests. Mauldin, supported by his long career in physics engineering and his teaching activities both in colleges and at univeristies, finds the precise words in every moment and the most appropriate way to show the reader concepts that from another perspective could turn out to be if not too complex, at the very least difficult to understand at first. In a few words, a book profusely illustrated as this is, it will update us in a quick way about everything that has to do with optics.


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