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-Title: Intelligent Life in the Universe. From Common Origins to the Future of Humanity.
Peter Ulmschneider.
Springer Verlag.
10 + 251
B/W and colour photos and graphics.
-Publication Date:
April 2003.
-ISBN: 3540439889

Front Cover

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This book addresses the origins, development and fate of extraterrestrial intelligent life in the universe. The author presents a wide-ranging analysis of the type of knowledge that can be inferred about extraterrestrial intelligent societies from our own biological, cultural and scientific evolution, and from the likely future of mankind. Providing extensive background information from Astronomy, Geology, Chemistry and Biology, the book will appeal to both the scientist and the general reader.

(Extracted from the back cover).



-Part I Planets.
1. Stars, Galaxies, and the Origin of Chemical Elements.
2. Planet Formation.
3. The Search for Extrasolar Planets.
4. Planets Suitable for Life.
-Part II Life.
5. Life and Its Origin on Earth.
6. Evolution.
7. The Search for Extraterrestrial Life.
-Part III Intelligence.
8. The Future of Mankind.
9. Extraterrestrial Intelligent Life.
-Author Index.
-Subject Index.


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