You can purchase this book clicking here. If you wish to purchase further titles already reviewed here, please return each time to SBB. Using the direct links available at our site is easier than searching by title, author, or ISBN number. EDITORIAL INFORMATION This book tells the story of two nations and the contrasting development of their space programmes. Japan became the fourth nation in space in 1970, having begun its commitment to a space programme as early as the 1950s. Since then, Japan has became one of the most succesful spacefaring nations, having flown space probes to the moon, Mars and comet Halley. India's space programme is a unique attempt to put space research at the service of economic development. India has built rockets to place in orbit sophisticated satellites for use in weather forescasting, cyclone warning, Earth resources observations, communications and basic education. Asia will be the leading region for space development in the early 21st century. This book compares and contrasts the Japanese and Indian space programmes, how they have developed and how they are likely to proceed in the future. It tells the story of the visionaries, the scientists and the ingeneers, with their successes, adventures, disappointments and dreams. (Extracted from the back cover). GENERAL TABLE OF CONTENTS
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