The 2001 Astrodynamics Conference was hosted by the
American Astronautical Society (AAS) and co-sponsored by the American
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). The conference was held
July 30 to August 2, 2001, at the Hilton Quebec Hotel, Quebec City, Quebec,
There were some 157 papers presented in 23 technical sessions. These
astrodynamics conferences have been held annually since the mid-1960s,
managed alternatively by the AAS and the AIAA. Every second year the AAS
publishes the proceedings. Astrodynamics 2001, Volume 109, Advances in
the Astronautical Sciences, consists of three parts totaling about 2592
pages. All of the available papers appear in full in Volume 109.
(Extracted from the Foreword).

- -Foreword.
- -Preface.
- -Contents.
- -Part II:
- -Control.
- -On Reducing Minimum Time for Small Angle Slewing
of a Flexible Body.
-Trajectory Tracking Control of a Multimodule Deployable Manipulator:
Analyses and Experiments.
-Nonlinear Optimal Control in Space Satellite Application.
-A Spacecraft Simulator for Research and Education.
-Generating Deflection-Limiting Commands in the Digital Domain.
-Approaches to Matched Basis Function Repetitive Control.
- -Special Session: Near at Eros.
- -NEAR Shoemaker at Eros: Rendezvous, Orbital
Operations, and a Soft Landing.
-Navigation for NEAR Shoemaker: The First Spacecraft to Orbit an
-The Design and Navigation of the NEAR Shoemaker Landing on Eros.
-The Orbital Dynamics Environment of 433 Eros.
-Modeling and Performance of NEAR's G&C System During the Eros
Orbital Phase and Controlled Descent.
-433 Eros Orbital Mission Operations: Implementing the First Orbital
Operation Around a Small Body.
-NEAR Optial Navigation At Eros.
- -Attitude Dynamics and Control.
- -Command generation for Flexible Spacecraft
Maneuvers Using Single Gimbal Control Moment Gyroscopes.
-Stable Relative Equilibria of a Dissipative Controller for Gyrostat
-Spacecraft Adaptive Attitude Control and Power Tracking With
Single-Gimballed VSCMGs and Wheel Speed Equalization.
-Momentum Management for the MESSENGER Mission.
-Attitude Determination Using Windowed Quaternion Estimator.
-Targeting of Precession Maneuver With Active Nutation Control.
-Optimal Nonlinear Spacecraft Attitude Control Through Hamilton-Jacobi
-Time-Optimal Reorientation of Asymmetric Rigid Bodies.
- -Mars Missions I.
- -Aerobraking Automation Options.
-A Proposed Use of Acclerometer Data for Autonomous Aerobraking at Mars.
-Approaches to Autonomous Aerobraking at Mars.
-Attitude Control During Autonomous Aerobraking for Near-term Mars
-Development of a Monte Carlo Mars-Gram Model for Mars 2001 Aerobraking
-Optimizating Mass Delivered to the Mars Mapping Orbit Using Aerobraking
for the 2005 launch Opportunity.
-2001 Mars Odyssey Mission Design.
-Strategies for On-Orbit Rendezvous Circling Mars.
- -Neutral Density.
- -Parameterizations of Solar EUV Irradiance
Variations for Use in Upper Atmosphere Density Models.
-NRLMSISE-00 Empirical Atmospheric Model: Comparisons to Data and
Standard Models.
-Atmospheric Density Model Errors and Variations in the Ballistic
-Modeling and Simulation Tool for the High Accuracy Satellite Drag
-Applying New and Improved Atmospheric Density Determination Techniques
to Resident Space Object Position Prediction.
-On the Mechanism of Atmospheric Drag Perturbations.
-A Perspective on Neutral Density Progress.
-Atmospheric Density Correction Using Space catalog Data.
- -Tethers.
- -Orbit Determination of Tethered Satellites: A
Conventional Versus Neural Network-Based Paradigm.
-Planar Attitude Dynamics of the End-Bodies of a Tethered Satellite
System During Spin-up.
-Attitude Determination of a Tether by Means of Simple Sensors.
-Pointing Dynamics of Tether-Controlled Formation Flying for Space
-Modal Analysis of the Stability of Periodic Solutions in Electrodynamic
-Control of Tether System by Using Transverse Motion of Tether.
-Experimental Analysis of Deployment/Retrieval of Tether System Using
Balloon Technique.
-Dynamics and Control of a Tethered Space Robot With Tension.
- -Mars Missions II.
- -Explanation and History of the New Solar
Cycle/Atmospheric Model Used in Mars Planetary Protection Analysis.
-Mars Global Surveyor: Mapping Orbit Evolution and Control Throughout
One Mars Year.
-Mars Global Surveyor Orbit Determination Uncertainties Using High
Resolution Mars Gravity Models.
-Improving Mars Approach Navigation Using Optical Data.
-Rendezvous Options and Dynamics for Mars Smaple Return Mission.