The 2001 Astrodynamics Conference was hosted by the
American Astronautical Society (AAS) and co-sponsored by the American
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). The conference was held
July 30 to August 2, 2001, at the Hilton Quebec Hotel, Quebec City, Quebec,
There were some 157 papers presented in 23 technical sessions. These
astrodynamics conferences have been held annually since the mid-1960s,
managed alternatively by the AAS and the AIAA. Every second year the AAS
publishes the proceedings. Astrodynamics 2001, Volume 109, Advances in
the Astronautical Sciences, consists of three parts totaling about 2592
pages. All of the available papers appear in full in Volume 109.
(Extracted from the Foreword).

- -Foreword.
- -Preface.
- -Contents.
- -Part I:
- -Libration Point I.
- -Invariant Manifolds, the Spatial Three-Body
Problem and Space Mission Design.
-Characterizing the Orbit Uncertainty Dynamics Along an Unstable Orbit.
-Continuation of Periodic Orbits Around Lagrange Points and AUTO2000.
-Simulation of Formation Flight Near Lagrange Points for the TPF Mission.
-Summer Launch Options for the Genesis Mission.
-The Role of Humans in Libration Point Missions With Specific
Application to an Earth-Moon Libration Point Gateway Station.
- -Attitude Determination.
- -Estimation of Inertia Parameters for Gyrostats
Subject to Gravity-Gradient Torques.
-Attitude Representations for Kalman Filtering.
-Spacecraft Attitude Determination Using the Bortz Equation.
-Design and Implementation of a Nanosatellite Attitude Determination and
Control System.
-Star Tracker Relative Alignment Calibration and its Application on
Absolute Pointing Determination.
-Calibration of the Skewed AQUA Satellite Gyros.
-Post-Flight Attitude Reconstruction for the Shuttle Radar Topography.
- -GEO Collocation.
- -Mathematical Derivations of the "e-i"
and Halo GEO Collocation Methods.
-EUTELSAT Satellite Collocation.
-Collocation Study for a GEO Satellite and an Inclined GSO Satellite.
-Geosynchronous Satellite Collocation at Space System/Loral.
-GPS-Based Navigation of Satellite Formations.
-Risk Management of Unintentionally Collocated Geosynchronous
-Collision Risk Mitigation in geostationary Orbit.
- -Libration Point II.
- -Lyapunov and Halo Orbits About L2.
-Regularization of the Restricted Elliptic Three-Body Problem in the
Sun-Earth L1-Centered Rotating System.
-On the Detection of Energetically Efficient Trajectories for
-Trajectory Sensitivities for Sun-Mars Libration Point Missions.
-Dynamics of a Tethered System Near the Earth-Moon Lagrangian Points.
-A Non-Linear Approach to Spacecraft Formation Control in the Vicinity
of a Collinear Libration Point.
-Monte-Carlo Maneuver Analysis for the Microwave Anisotropy Probe.
- -Orbit Determination.
- -STAR Accelerometer Data Processing and Results:
Part I.
-STAR Accelerometer Data Processing and
Results: Part II.
-CHAMP Precision Orbit Determination.
-Radiation Force Modeling for ICESat Precision Orbit Determination.
-Iterative Filtering of Antenna Pointing Angles for Orbit Determination.
-Measurement Bias Effects on Satellite Orbit Estimation and Prediction.
-Parallel Least Squares Methods for Multisatellite Orbit Determination.
- -Constellations and Clusters.
- -Initial Deployment and Near Optimal Control for
Maintaining Constant Distance Between Satellites in an Elliptically
Orbiting Constellation.
-Trajectory Estimation for Satellite Clusters.
-A Study of Linear Versus Nonlinear Control Techniques for the
Reconfiguration of Satellite Formations.
-Zonal Coverage Optimization of Satellite Constellations With an
Extended Satellite Triplet Method.
-A Parametric Examination of Satellite Constellations to Minimize
Revisit Time for Low Earth Orbits Using a Genetic Algorithm.
-Multi-Objective Optimization Approach Applied to Station Keeping of
Satellite Constellations.
- -Earth and Lunar Missions.
- -STS-99 Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Stability
and Control.
-STS-99 Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Dynamics and Control - Mission
-Orbit Dynamics for Re-supplying Space Station Using a Modest-Cost Space
-Orbit Dynamics for Cost-Effective Spacecraft Dependent on Frequent
Non-Intrusive Servicing.
-Orbital Design for HypSEO Mission.
-Design and System Identification of a Nanosatellite Structure.
-Near-Earth Solar Sail Navigation: Preliminary Results.
- -Collision Avoidance and Tracking.
- -Determining if Two Ellipsoids Share the Same
-A Simple Mathematical Approach for Determining Intersection of
Quadratic Surfaces.
-Maneuver Optimization for Collision Risk Minimization.
-Modernizing the Naval Space Surveillance System - Part 1.
-Results of Naval Space Surveillance System Calibration Using Satellite
Laser Ranging.