The 24nd Annual AAS Rocky Mountain Guidance and Control
Conference was held in Breckenridge, Colorado at the Beaver Run Resort
January 1 - February 4, 2001.
This book contains the papers presented there.
(Extracted from the Preface).

- -Contents.
- -Foreword. Robert D. Culp.
- -Preface. Charlie Schira.
- -Section I: Advances in Guidance and Control.
- -Enabling Technology for NASA's Europa Orbiter
-A LEO Satellite Navigation Algorithm Based on GPS and Magnetometer
-System to Attain Accurate Pointing Knowledge of the Geoscience Laser
-Lost-in-Space Pyramid Algorithm for Robust Star Pattern Recognition.
-Ascent Load Management Using Wind Look-Ahead Sensors.
-Geostationary GPS Based Navigation Using Pseudorange Fractional Part
-Dynamic Hysteresis Model Application to Stiction Type Problems.
-Attitude Determination for the STEX Spacecraft Using Virtual Gyros.
- -Section II: Autonomous and Remotely Piloted
Terrestrial Landing.
- -Testing the Primary X-33 Navigation System.
-X-33 Entry Flight Control Design by Trajectory Linerization-A Singular
Perturbation Approach.
-X-34 Auto-Landing Guidance, Navigation and Control.
-New Methodologies for Assessing the Robustness of the X-34 Autolanding
-RADX34-A Future-X Demonstration of Autonomous Robust Abort Technologies
on the X-34.
-X-38 Application of Dynamic Inversion Flight Control.
-The X-40A as a Guidance, Navigation, and Control Technology
Demonstrator and Validation Tool.
-Design Challenges for Small Reusable Space Vehicles: The X-37
- -Section III: Landing On Planetary Bodies.
- -Mars Exploration Rover Entry, Descent, and Landing
-Deep Impact: 19 Gigajoules Can Make Quite an Impression.
-Entry System Design Considerations for Mars Landers.
-Derivation of Hazard Testing of a Prototype Terrain-Relative Navigation
- -Section IV: Guidance and Control Storyboard
- -The Gyrowheel Development and Flight Qualification
-Noise in Digital Simulations.
-Development of the HRG Based Scalable Space Inertial Reference Unit for
Long-Life Moderate and Precision Pointing Spacecraft.
-LN100S - Common Optical Payload and Bus Gyro Reference Assembly.
-Fuse Reaction Wheel Torque Anomaly Resolution.
-Star Tracker/IRU Attitude Determination Filters.
-Design of Radiation Tolerant Active Pixels in 0.35 picom CMOS Standard
- -Section V: Optical Control.
- -Common Path/Common Mode Design Approach for the
Airborne Laser System.
-Survey of Terrestrial Planet Finder Telescope Options.
-Modern Control Design of Thin Facesheet Adaptive Optics.
-In-Flight Calibration of an Airborne Wavefront Control Subsystem.
-Strategies for Fast Target Acquisition Handoffs.
-Acquisition, Tracking and Pointing of a Dynamic Target Using
Compensated Beacons.
- -Section VI: Recent Experiences in Guidance and
- -Sirius Satellite Design: The Challenges of the
Tundra Orbit in Commercial Spacecraft Design.
-NEAR Shoemaker: Major Anomaly Survival, Delayed Rendezvous and Mission
-Hubble Space Telescope Servicing Mission 3A Rendezvous Operations.
-The Failures of the Mars Climate Orbiter and Mars Polar Lander: A
Perspective from the People Involved.
-Trajectory Design and Control for the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory
-XMM-Newton: In-Orbit Performance of the AOCS.
-On-Orbit ACDS Performance of the Landsat-7 Spacecraft.
- Publications of the American Astronautical Society.
- -Numerical Index.
-Author Index.