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This volume in two parts presents the proceeding of
the 10th Annual AAS/AIAA Spaceflight Mechanics Meeting held in Clearwater,
Florida, January 23-26, 2000.
(Extracted from the Press Release).

- -Foreword.
- -Preface.
- -Contents.
- -Part I:
- -Topics in Control Theory.
- -Rigid Body Attitude Tracking Without Angular
Velocity Feedback.
-Low-Order Closed Loop Compensators for Satellite Attitude
Control/Determination Using Linear-Quadratic Gaussian/Loop Transmission
-Stability of Matched Basis Function Repetitive Control.
-Numerical Determination of Optimal Feedback Control in Nonlinear
Problems With State/Control Constraints.
-Frequency-Domain Clear-Box Disturbance Rejection.
-Unified Formulation of Linear Iterative Learning Control.
- -Formation Flying.
- -Design and Implementation of Synchronized
Autonomous Orbit and Attitude Control for Multiple Spacecraft Formation
Using GPS Measurement Feedback.
-The ION-F Formation Flying Experiments.
-Precise Formation Flying Control of Multiple Spacecraft Using
Carrier-Phase Differential GPS.
-SPHERES: A Testbed for Long Duration Satellite Formation Flying in
Micro-Gravity Conditions.
-Orbit Establishment for Formation Flying of Satellites.
-Modern Software Architecture for Satellite Formation Flight Dynamics
-Impulsive Spacecraft Formation Flying Control to Establish Specific
Mean Orbit Elements.
- -Orbit Determination and Navigation.
- -Comparison of GPS-Based Precision Orbit
Determination Approaches for ICESat.
-An Assessment of the Benefits of Including GLONASS Data in GPS-Based
Precise Orbit Determination - I:S/A Analysis.
-Optical Tracker and S-Band Ranging Utility for Accurate Orbit
Determination and Prediction.
-Orbit Determination Applications With the Space-Based Visible
Space Surveillance Sensor.
-Numerical Studies in the Vicinity of GPS Deep Resonance.
-Application of a Stochastic Filtering Method for Removing Orbit Error.
-Orbit Determination at a Single Ground Station Using Range Rate
-Ground System Support of an Onboard Navigation System: Implementation
and Operations Experiences.
-An Autonomous Navigation System for the German Small Satellite Mission
- -Attitude Determination and Estimation.
- -Laser Pointing Determination Using Stellar
Reference System in Geoscience Laser Altimeter System.
-A Suboptimal Algorithm for Attitude Determination from Multiple Star
-Cooperative Attitude Determination.
-Attitude Determination Performance Improvement Through Enhanced Quest
Algorithm Modification.
-A Kalman Filter Approach to System Alignment Calibration.
-k-Vector Range Searching Techniques.
-Optimal Linear Attitude Estimator.
-Singularity and Attitude Estimation.
- -Low-Thrust Orbit Transfers.
- -New Analytic Solutions to the Fuel-Optimal Orbital
Transfer Problem Using Low-Thrust Exhaust-Modulated Propulsion.
-Analytic Solution to the Problem of Turning of an Elliptic Orbital
Plane Via Spherical Intermediate Thrust Arc.
-Fuel-Optimal Three-Dimensional Earth-Mars Trajectories With Low-Thrust
Exhaust-Modulated Plasma Propulsion.
-A Hohmann Transfer Analog for Power-Limited, Continous Thrust Transfers
Between Coplanar Circular Orbits.
-Trajectories to Comets Using Solar Electric Propulsion.
-Guidance Schemes for Low-Thrust LEO-GEO Transfers.
-Low-Thrust Eccentricity and Out-of-Plane Corrections.
- -Satellite Constellations and Formations.
- -Radio Interference Between Non-Geostationary
Communication Satellite Constellations.
-Orbital Debris Hazard Assessment Methodologies for Satellite
-Average and Maximum Revisit Time Trade Studies for Satellite
Constellations Using a Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm.
-The Implementation of Maintaining Constant Distance Between Satellites
in Elliptic Orbits.
-Using GPS Reflections for Satellite Remote Sensing.
- -Attitude Dynamics and Control.
- -Attitude Maneuvers for MightySat II.1
Hyperspectral Data Collects.
-Attitude Control System and Star Tracker Performance of the Wide-Field
Infrared Explorer Spacecraft.
-Improvement of the Satellite Attitude Stability by the Sliding Mode
Control While a Robot Arm Works on a Satellite.
-Numerical Calculation of Flow Field in Equatorial Mounted Fluid-in Tube
Satellite Dampers.
-Optimal Design of a Two-Dimensional Passive Coning Attenuator for
Spinning Spacecraft Under Thrust.