-Title: Spaceflight
Mechanics 1999. Part II.
-Authors: Robert H. Bishop, Donald L. Mackison, Robert D. Culp,
Maria J. Evans (Edits.).
-Publisher: Univelt, Inc.
-Pages: 20 + 778
-Illustrations: B/W graphics and photos.
-Language: English.
-Publication Date: 1999.
-Collection: Advances in the
Astronautical Sciences, Volume 102. Part II.
-ISBN: 0877034583 |

The Ninth Annual Space Flight Mechanics Meeting was held February
7-10, 1999 at the Beaver Run Resort in Breckenridge, Colorado. This mmeting is
co-sponsored by the American Astronautical Society and the American Institute of
Aeronautics and Astronautics and organized by the AAS Space Flight Mechanics Technical
Committee and the AIAA Astrodynamics Technical Committee. This volume is the ninth of a
sequence of Spaceflight Mechanics volumes. Consists of two parts totaling 1.600 pages.
(Extracted from the Foreword and the Preface).

- -Foreword.
- -Preface.
- -Contents.
- -Orbital Mechanics.
- -Preliminary Orbital Control Strategy.
-Software for Astrodynamics.
-Evaluation of the Dynamic Environment of an Asteroid: Applications to 433 Eros.
-Stability of Hovering Orbits Around Small Bodies.
-The Main Oblateness Perturbation Problem in DEF-Regular Elements.
-Three-Dimensional Periodic Solutions that Bifurcate From Halo Families in the Circular
Restricted Three-Body Problem.
-A Study of Resonance Effects on Polar Orbits About Ellipsoidal Shaped Bodies.
- -Attitude Determination.
- -Precession of Angular Momentum Cone in Free Pitch Tumble of RADARSAT
in Orbit.
-High Accuracy Attitude Determination and Control of the DIVA Mission.
-GLAS Spacecraft Attitude Determination Using CCD Star Tracker and 3-Axis Gyros.
-Gyrocompassing by Intermittent GPS Interpherometry.
-Adaptive Kalman Filtering for Multipath Rejection in GPS Based Attitude Determination.
- -Orbital Debris.
- -Determination of Close Approaches Based on Ellipsoidal Threat
-Comparison of Optical and Radar Orbital Debris Measurements.
-Preliminary Results From the NASA Orbital Debris Obervatory.
-Study of Perturbation Effects on Space Debris in Supersynchronous Orbits.
-Computation of Orbital Conjunctions and Collision Prediction Methods.
-Determination and Modeling of Error Densities in Ephemeris Prediction.
- -Navigation and Control.
- -Self-Contained Autonomous Navigation System for Deep Space Missions.
-A New Solution for the Rendezvous Problem.
-Orbit Attainment and Maintenance for the Geosat-On (GFO) Satellite.
-SP-Search: A New Algorythm for Star Pattern Recognition.
-Star Pattern Recognition and Mirror Assembly Misalignment for DIGISTAR II and III
Multiple FOVs Star Sensors.
-Optimal Best-Fitting of Numerical Data: Part II.
- -Orbit Determination II.
- -Bias Estimation Technique for Geosynchronous Orbit Determination.
-Orbit Determination for Medium-Altitude Eccentric Orbits Using GPS.
-Accelerometry-Aided Precise Orbit Determination of Low-Earth Satellites.
-Stochastically Estimating Geodynamic Parameters From LAGEOS SLR Data.
-Precise Orbit Determination of the Low Altitude Spacecraft TRMM, GFZ-1, and EP/EUVE USing
Improved Drag Models.
-The Importance of Semi-Major Axis Knowledge in the Determination of Near-Circular Orbits.
- -Tether Applications.
- -Dynamics of the ASTOR Tethered Satellite System.
-Dynamical, Electrical and Thermal Coupling in a New Class of Electrodynamic Tethered
-Approximate Solutions for Tethered Satellite Motion.
-On the Radial Oscillation of an Electrodynamic Tether.
-Slingshot Orbital Injection Revisited.
-A Method for the Identification of a Tethered Satellite.
- -Satellite Tracking and Targeting.
- -Satellite Tracking Using Ambient RF (STAR): Overview.
-Satellite Tracking Using Ambient RF (STAR): Orbit Estimation.
-Satellite Tracking Using Ambient RF (STAR): Calibration Methodology.
-Reducing Selective Availability Effects on Post-Processes Orbits for Satellites With
Limited GPS Telemetry.
-Variation of Parameters Methods Embedding the Jacobi Integral Resulting From Energy
Parameter Selection.
-Refinement of Satellite Ballistic Factors for the Estimation of Atmosphere Density
Variations and Improved LEO Orbit Prediction.
- -Appendices.
- -Numerical Index.
-Author Index.