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-Title: The Search for Extraterrestrial Life. Essays on Science and Technology from the Royal Institution.
Peter Day (Edit).
Oxford University Press.
12 + 174
B/W photos and graphics.
-Publication Date:
December, 1998.
-ISBN: 0198504144 (hardback)

Front Cover

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Are we alone or are there other intelligent forms of life in the Universe? Sir Arnold Wolfendale explores the ways in which Scientist' thinking on this question has evolved, including an hypothesis to estimate how probable intelligent extraterrestrial life might be, and a discussion of the Martian meteorites that were the subject of recent speculation about life on Mars. Meteorites in general, where they come from and what we can learn from them, are discussed by Monica Grady, a researcher in interstellar components in meterites and micrometeorites.

In the essays in this collection, leading experts seek to entertain and inform the general reader about what is happening in their fields. The subjects are wide-ranging, from studies of Venus and what they tell us about the Earth, and the history and possible future of television, to the interface between art and science-using spectroscopy to analyse the pigments in Medieval manuscripts. Will we be able to build machines with molecular-based memories? How do you deal with an historic tower "founded on jelly and slowly inclining to the point at which it is about to fall over"? The answers to these and other questions are to be found within.

(Extracted from the dust jacket)




-List of Plates.
-List of Contributors.
-The Search for Extraterrestrial Life-and the Future of Life on Earth. Sir Arnold Wolfendale.
-Magellan Looks at Venus. Dan McKenzie.
-Meteorites: Messengers from the Past. Monica M. Grady.
-Television Beyond the Millenium. Will Wyatt.
-Molecular Information Processing: Will It Happen? Peter Day.
-'There Or Thereabouts'. Andrew Wallard.
-Pondering on Pisa. John Burland.
-An Arts/Science Interface: Medieval Manuscripts, Pigments, and Spectroscopy. Robin J.H. Clark.
-The Royal Institution.


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