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-Title: Astrophysical Techniques (3rd Edition).
C.R. Kitchin.
IOP Publishing.
16 + 474
B & W graphics.
-Publication Date:
March 13, 1998.
-ISBN: 0750304979 (hardback), 0750304987 (softback).

Front Cover

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Astrophysical Techniques provides a comprehensive and clearly understandable account of the instruments and techniques used in astronomy and astrophysics. Drawing together an ever-diverging array of observational techniques, using the common thread of a detection - imaging - ancillary instruments pattern, Professor Kitchin has provided us with a unified view of astrophysical investigation.

The author's fully illustrated text starts from first principles and explains each method up to the point at which the reader can begin practical work with the equipment and even start designing it. Exercises with answers are used to reinforce the ideas presented in each chapter. There is also an extensive bibliography to enable further study, and appendices of tables of astrophysical data provide an excellent reference source.

Science undergraduates taking an astronomy option will find Astrophysical Techniques an essential study aid. Amateur astronomers of any level will find this book to be of inmense value. Professional astronomers should use this book as a source of information on areas unfamiliar to them.

The revised and updated edition of Professor Kitchin's authoritative book contains a large amount of new material, keeping the student of astronomy totally informed. It is an essential guide to all astrophysical methods and techniques.

(Extracted from the back cover).




-Standard Symbols.
-1- Detectors.
-Optical and Infrared Detection.
-Radio and Microwave Detection.
-X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Detection.
-Cosmic Ray Detectors.
-Neutrino Detectors.
-Gravitational Radiation.
-2- Imaging.
-The Inverse Problem.
-Electronic Imaging.
-Speckle Interferometry.
-Electronic Images.
-3- Photometry.
-4- Spectroscopy.
-5- Other Techniques.
-Solar Studies.
-I. Magnitudes and Spectral Types of Bright Stars.
-II. North Polar Sequence.
-III. Standard Stars for the U B V Photometric System.
-IV. Standard Stars for the u v b y Photometric System.
-V. Standard Stars for  MK Spectral Types.
-VI. Standard Stars for Polarimetry.
-VII. Julian Date.
-VIII. Catalogues.
-IV. Answers to the Exercises.


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