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-Title: Iconographia Diatomologica, Vol. 4.
Horst Lange-Bertalot (Edit.).
Koeltz Scientific Books.
B & W photos.
-Publication Date:
-ISBN: 3874293866

Front Cover


Samples with diatoms originating from several small lakes and from the marine littoral of Bear Island (Northern Atlantic) were studied by means of light (LM) and electron microscopy (SEM, TEM).

(Extracted from the English abstract).




-I. Diatomeen der Bären-Insel.
-II. Geissleria lange-bertalotii sp. nov.
-III. Hippodonta gen. nov.
-IV. Kobayasia gen. et spec. nov.



Iconographia Diatomologica is the fourth volume of a collection devoted to taxonomy that takes us into the microscopic world of diatoms. The book is devoted to cataloguing the samples obtained in small lakes and certain zones of the shore at Bear Island, on the North Atlantic, all of them analyzed thanks to electron and optic microscopes.

The composition of the water in this area was not very well known up to now, yet this research has revealed a wide variety of species. Some of them continue to be virtually unknown or are classified in a very general manner, whereas 15 marine species and another 7 freshwater ones have been considered as new ones.

The work, written in German, describes the new species, cataloguing them photographically together with the already known ones. Each sample appears in a black & white photograph, together with its name and, when necessary, some comments.

This is a work aimed at experts in marine biology, oceanographers, etc., as well as all those readers interested in the issue having an advanced level of knowledge on the matter. The book includes a complete bibliography and precise information on how and where the samples used for this research have been obtained.


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