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-Title: Increasing Hits and Selling More on Your Web Site.
Greg Helmstetter.
John Wiley & Sons, Lted.
10 + 374
B & W photos and graphics.
-Publication Date:
April 4, 1997.
-ISBN: 0471169447

Front Cover

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It can get pretty lonely out in cyberspace if nobody knows you're there. That's why this book gives you detailed, hands-on techniques for dramatically increasing the number of people who visit your site and special tactics for turning them into paying customers who come back for more. You'll get proven methods that have helped both small companies and large corporations increase the effectiveness of their Web sites.

Written specially for entrepreneurs, corporate marketing managers, small business owners, and consultants, this valuable guide gives you rare tips and tricks you need to know to make your site a commercial success.

(Extracted from the back cover).



-1- The State of Online Commerce Today and Tomorrow.
-2- Competitive Advantage.
-3- Scale and Scope: How Big Do You Want to Get?
-4- The Most Important Decision You Will Make: Choosing Your Business Model.
-5- Minimizing Your Investment.
-6- Planning a Promotional Campaign That Works.
-7- Obsessing on Site Traffic-Whatch Those Numbers!.
-8- Submitting Your Site to Every Directory in the World.
-9- All Roads Lead to You: The Art of Getting Links to Your Site.
-10- Buying and Selling Advertising Online.
-11- The Most Overlooked Opportunity to Promote Your Site.
-12- Promoting Your Site to Newsgroups Without Getting Napalmed.
-13-Hard-core E-mail techniques.
-14- Building a Site Around Your Business Model.
-15- Absolute Professionalism.
-16- Designing Your Site's Logic and Navigation.
-17- Forever Under Construction.



The title of this book tells us all: Internet is the phenomenon of the moment, as shown by the fact that you are reading this review through this medium, and for many people, this means a true ocean of opportunities ready to be explored. The commercial exploitation of Internet, specially that of the World Wide Web, has just begun, yet its future hints at a golden era.

Everything depends, nevertheless, on those who launch this new way to make marketing. The success or the failure of a commercial web, ultimately depends on whether it is capable of selling, of sustaining itself and of producing benefits.

Aware that the web is a location accessible to almost anyone yet whose profitability is rather more difficult to achieve, Greg Helmstetter, the author of this magnificient book, gives us a crash course on how to increase the traffic on our "site" as well as how to sell more through it.

Its almost 400 pages are a true mine for information that can make us into true, successful businessmen of the WWW. Many of the clues the author gives us already are well known, although rather often they go unnoticed by the layman, and in other occasions they are a true find. Thus, Helmstetter, who moreover has a sister web to the book where the reader will find many of the contents updated as well as further information on others (something always desirable in this very swiftly changeable world), advises us on how to develop a true commercial strategy, how to promote our web, and how to design it so as to make it profitable and have it produce money. The text is full of examples that we can find in real life.


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