The XXX Rencontres de Moriond
were held in 1995 in Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland, and
in Les Arcs 1800, Savoie, France. These Rencontres were
sponsored by the Centre National de la Recherche
Scientifique (INSU, SPM y FP), the Institut National de
Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules
(IN2P3), the Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique (DAPNIA),
the Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la
Recherche (programme ACCESS) and the International
Science Foundation. The workshop on Dark matter in
cosmology, Clocks and Tests of fundamental laws was also
sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the
Moriond Astrophysics meeting by the Observatoire de
Paris-Meudon, the Université de Paris VII and the Centre
National d'Études Spatiales.
(Extracted from the preface).

- -Contents.
- -Foreword.
- -I. Dark Matter in Cosmology.
- -Primordial Nucleosynthesis.
-Interstellar Abundances of the Light Elements.
-Dark Matter and Big Bang Nucleosynthesis.
-X-Ray Observations of Galaxy Clusters.
-X-Ray Observations of Galaxy Clusters and Their
Cosmological Implications.
-The Baryon Fraction of Galaxy Clusters and the
-Cold Molecular Gas as a Component of Dark
-Compact Objects: A Review of the Candidates.
-Experimental Limits on the Baryonic Component of
the Dark Galactic Halo.
-Search for Microlensing of Stars By Low Mass
Objects in the Galactic Halo.
-AGAPE and AGAPEROS: Pixel Monitoring for the
Detection of Microlensing Events.
-Unraveling the Macho Mystery.
-Baryonic Dark Matter: An Overview.
-Physical Arguments, Favouring Multicomponent
Dark Matter.
-Dark Matter as Elementary Particles: To Be or
not to Be.
-The Pooltable Analogy to Axion Physics.
-Axions in Astrophysics and Cosmology.
-Experimental Overview of Axion Searches.
-A Second-Generation Cosmic Axion Experiment.
-Present Status of Dark Matter Axion Search in
-How About Vortons?
-Two Neutrino Double Beta Decay of 116Cd Observed
with the NEMO-2 Detector.
-The Gotthard Experiment on 136Xe ßß Decay.
-Milano 130Te Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay
Search with Thermal Detectors.
-Neutrino Masses, Hot Dark Matter and LSND.
-The Solar Neutrino Problem After the GALLEX
Artificial Neutrino Source Experiment.
-Results on tau Neutrino from Colliders.
-Cosmological Neutrinos and Rydberg Atoms.
-Statistical Analysis of Wide-Angle Galaxy
-Constraints on the Power Spectrum and Recent
Models of Galaxy Formation.
-Void Sizes and CMBR Fluctuations.
-Recent COBE Results.
-Anisotropy in the Cosmic Microwave Backgrounds:
Present Status - Future Directions.
-Cosmological Thermal Clumps.
-What Can We Learn from CBR Observations?
-Summary Talk: Dark Matter in Cosmology.
- -II. Clocks.
- -Atomic Clocks and Time
-Applications of Accurate and Stable Clocks.
-Prospects for an Improved Superconducting Cavity
Stabilized Oscillator Clock.
-Atomic Clock Tests for variations of the Fine
Structure Constant alpha.
-Trapped Hg+ Ion Frequency Standard.
-Quantum Mechanically Correlated States and
Atomic Clocks.
-Experimental Techniques with Highly Stable
-Stable Clocks and General Relativity.
-A Low Temperature Gyroscope Clock for
Gravitational Redshift Experiments.
-Cesium Fountains and Micro-Gravity Clocks.
-Paramagnetic Atoms in Solid 4He: A Novel Sample
for Testing Time Reversal Invariance?
-Summary Talk on Precision Clocks.
- -III. Tests of Fundamental
- -Two-State Vector Description
of a Quantum System.
-Searches for T-Odd Interactions in Nuclear
Processes: Review of the Theory.
-Review of Neutron Beta Decay.
-New Measurements of the Antineutrino Spin
Asymmetry in Beta Decay of the Neutron and
Restrictions on the Mass of a Right-Handed Gauge
-Ultra-Cold Neutrons.
-Determination of the Neutron Lifetime Using
Magnetically Trapped Neutrons.
-Superallowed Beta Decay: A Nuclear Probe of the
Electroweak Standard Model.
-Measurements of Time Reversal Invariance in
Beta-Decay at the Princeton Cyclotron.
-A Measurement of Beta Asymmetry of 19Ne as a
Search for Right Handed Currents.
-12N and 107In Polarization-Asymmetry
Measurements and Prospects in Muon Decay.
-A Search for Millicharged Particles at SLAC.
-Direct Evidence for T Violation in the Neutral
Kaon System.
-A Review of Nucleon Spin Structure Experiments.
-The Neutron Electric Dipole Moment Experiment in
Preparation at the ILL.
-Recent Progress in the Development of a New
Technique to Measure the Neutron Electric Dipole
-Experimental Method for T-Violating Neutron Spin
-Search for Time-Reversal Non-Invariance in
Neutron Beta Decay.
-Study of Time Reversal Violation with Nuclear
Beta Decay.
-What Atomic Parity Non-Conservation Can Tell Us.
-What Do We learn from Atomic Physics About
Fundamental Symmetries in Nuclei and Particles?
-Properties of a Possible Class of Particles Able
To Travel Faster Than Light.
-Nuclear Physics Tests of Fundamental Symmetries:
A Summary.
- -List of Participants.

The XXX Rencontres de Moriond,
in its series Moriond Workshops, was held between January
22 and 29, 1995, and in it participated numerous
astrophysicians from all over the world so as to present
their latest research with respect to the influence of
dark matter in cosmology, the development of more precise
atomic clocks, and the design of sophisticated tests to
prove basic laws of physics. This book consists, of
course, in a gathering of the papers focused on the most
advanced of research, which means an important updating
of all these issues. The articles are accompanied with
plentiful references, graphics and mathematical formulae.
The fast presentation in book
format of the lectures held there guarantees a quick
transmission and difusion of knowledge to all the levels
of modern astrophysics. This is why the task done by
Editions Frontières becomes extremely valuable in this