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-Title: Las Edades del Hielo. La Próxima Glaciación.
Jon Erickson.
McGraw-Hill/Interamericana de España, S.A.
B/W and color photos and graphics.
-Publication Date:
-Collection: Serie McGraw-Hill de Divulgación Científica.
-ISBN: 84-7615-725-8

Front Cover


LAS EDADES DEL HIELO takes as its starting point the origin of the Earth and the birth of the Solar System; it also discovers ice for us, its ages and the study of each one of them, from the Superior Pre-Cambrian Palaeozoic, till the ice-free period of the Cretaceous. From there it goes on to the glaciation of the Pleistocene and its terrestrial causes, as well as those from the sky, to finish with commenting on how the massive extinctions took place.

(Extracted from the back cover).



-1. Los Orígenes de la Tierra.
-2. El Descubrimiento del Hielo.
-3. Las Edades del Hielo Antiguas.
-4. La Glaciación del Pleistoceno.
-5. El Interglaciar Holoceno.
-6. Las Causas Terrestres de la Glaciación.
-7. Las Extinciones Masivas.
-8. La Máquina de Hacer Hielo.
-9. El Efecto Invernadero.



In this occasion, Jon Erickson, science writer, as well as a renowned specialist in geophysics and geotechnology, explains in a pleasant, understandable way the drastic influence that the different glaciations have had on the Earth, a natural process dramatically altered by the action of humankind, with our crazy manipulation of the environment, able to turn a planet formerly apt for life into an unlivable place perhaps. The next glaciation that, according to the natural cycles should already be reaching us, can thus be momentarily postponed because of man.

With his usual scientific style, yet one without undue technical terms, Jon Erickson explains us the influence that the different glacial eras have had on our planet. The author begins his explanations in an orderly manner by pointing out the presence of ice in the cosmos, the origin of the Earth and its evolution, the birth of the geological sciences and the studies that have led us to our current knowledge about ice in our world, its influence in the evolution of the species as well as the extinctions that have taken place throughout the ages, and the causes for the more or less regular glacial eras. And even if the human influence appears to be breaking the natural process, current studies suggest that the increase in the global temperature does not appear to be stopping the coming of a next glaciation, as it is merely postponing it, since the action of man in the geological scale is but a mere insignificant factor, despite the obvious spoil it means for the ecosystem at a human scale.

As usual, the author includes a glossary of technical terms, so as to make it easier for the reader when it comes to understanding the scientific terminology of necessity utilized throughout the explanation. Nevertheless, the language and style being applied is understandable enough for the average, non-specialized reader interested in these issues, so that the topics dealt with can be comprehended without problems. The book includes sufficient graphics, photos and sketches to illustrate each point, therefore adding to making this a pleasant read. Furthermore, a wide bibliographic selection is also included for those readers wishing to get to know this subject in further depth.


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