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-Title: La Vida Secreta de los Cuantos. La Nueva Física: las Altas Tecnologías.
M. Y. Han.
McGraw-Hill/Interamericana de España.
B & W photos and graphics.
-Publication Date:
-Collection: Serie McGraw-Hill de Divulgación Científica.
-ISBN: 8476157797

Front Cover


La Vida Secreta de los Cuantos introduces us into the laws of quantum physics. It assumes that a good narrator can explain to the non-scientists how these laws function in the devices and in the processes of the high technology we are tackling on a daily basis.

It is centered on the electrons and the atoms that constitute the background of everything surrounding us; thus we can understand the atomic structure and the physical nature of chemical links, and once the way that matter behaves is analyzed, we can study and understand how semiconductors, superconductors, lasers, and even the impact of high definition television work.

Last but not least, it also analyzes nuclear technologies, such as supercolliders, superconductors or cold nuclear fusion.

(Extracted from the back cover).




-Alta tecnología: tecnologías de tipo atómico.
-Los átomos: componentes básicos del universo.
-Que se haga la luz.
-El orden de los electrones.
-Moléculas: sociedades de átomos.
-Semiconductores, chips y demás.
-El núcleo de un ordenador.
-Intercambio de energía entre la luz y los átomos.
-Nucleones, quarks y demás.
-Tecnologías nucleares.



The best understood part of quantum physics, or at the very least that part whose practical applications are being most utilized in our civilization, is the one having a stellar role in this book. This work is interesting because it describes the deepest physical functioning of rather everyday objects or systems. Thus, we will understand what physical phenomena cause the CPU of a computer to "think", or semiconductors, chips, etc., to carry out their functions, or the fact that the method of Carbon-14 makes it possible for scientists to determine the antiquity of an object.

In conclusion, this is an ideal book to get to know the practical usefulness of research in quantum physics, and the behavior of the technologies based in it.


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