This book explains the proprieties of superconductivity,
describing what it is, what it can and cannot do, as well as its advantages and
disadvantages. It includes the most recent advances, such as superconductivity in high
temperatures. The present and future impact of its applications is discussed for: power
systems, high density electronics, transport, medicine, and science in general.
(Extracted from the back cover).
- -Agradecimientos.
- -Prefacio.
- -Introducción.
- -¿Qué es la superconductividad?
- -Tecnología de superconductores.
- -Superconductividad y sistemas de potencia.
- -Superconductividad y electrónica.
- -La superconductividad en ciencia y medicina.
- -Superconductividad y transportes.
- -Superconductividad y defensa.
- -Futuras tendencias y desarrollos.
- -Apéndice A: Escalas de temperatura y conversiones.
- -Apéndice B: Efemérides de los avances en superconductividad.
- -Apéndice C: Empresas que trabajan en superconductividad.
- -Bibliografía.
- -Glosario.
- -Indice.
Superconductivity has begun to revolutionize numerous fields of
technology. This book is ideal to get to know in full detail which these fields are, and
to what extent they are a benefit for us. It also is a good initiation to the theme for
non-specialists, as the two first chapters are devoted to explaining what
superconductivity is and how the technology to it associated functions.
Thus, in only one book, the reader will be able to have a global view of
what superconductivity is and what it is useful for.
The style is clear and pleasant enough, so that this will be a nice, agile
read. |