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-Title: La Vida en la Tierra. Origen y Evolución.
Jon Erickson.
McGraw-Hill/Interamericana de España, S.A.
14 + 304
B & W photos and graphics.
-Publication Date:
-Collection: Serie McGraw-Hill de Divulgación Científica.
-ISBN: 84-7615-824-6

Front Cover


La Vida en la Tierra takes us about 4,600 million years back in time to witness the birth of a living planet. Starting from this point we discover how life is being created. Many essential plants, insects, amphibia, dinosaurs and mammals did not survive the great extinction of the Cretacean; among all of them only one in particular could walk on two legs, communicate and manufacture complex tools. When this curious being saw the Earth from a great distance, it reached the conclusion that all of Humanity lived in a fragile starship.

(Extracted from the back cover).



-1- Creando un Planeta Especial.
-2- La Conexión del Carbono.
-3- La Edad del Comienzo de la Vida.
-4- La Vida en el Paleozoico.
-5- La Edad Media de la Vida.
-6- La Madurez de la Vida.
-7- El Gran Cerebro.
-8- Los Ciclos de la Vida.
-9- Hielo en el Mundo.
-10- La Gran Máquina de Calor.
-11- El Supercontinente.
-12- La Vida en Lugares Extraños.
-13- Las Extinciones Son un Modo de Vida.
-14- La Vida en Equlibrio.



Jon Erickson is widely known for his work in divulging science in his numerous books.These usually deal with issues of a great interest for the average citizen wanting to know more about the world they live in. In his pleasant style, that portrays an almost perfect imagery, in this occasion Erickson takes us into the knowledge of the origin and evolution of life, at the same time dealing with many collateral aspects of the fascinating history of the Earth.

Not all scientists completely agree about how life appeared on our planet, yet its development seems to be becoming clearer, so the author of this book invites us to a voyage in time during which, step by step, the multiple elements that, in crucial instants, have shaped life as it is now, are explained. The readers, on the other hand, will not have in this book a mere review of the past, as Erickson also dares to enunciate the different environmental problems affecting us, and which could decisively influence the future evolution of life.


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