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-Title: Fusión. La Búsqueda de la Energía Eterna.
Robin Herman.
McGraw-Hill/Interamericana de España, S.A.
30 + 282
B & W photos and graphics.
-Publication Date:
-Collection: Serie McGraw-Hill de Divulgación Científica.
-ISBN: 84-481-0085-9

Front Cover


Fusión: la Búsqueda de la Energía Eterna is the history of the fight amongst different nations when faced to the construction of a fusion reactor engine, as well as the solidarity among the scientists, whose wish to achieve some sort of clean, safe, unending power source overcame all kinds of political obstacles. Among these scientists some as important as Andrei Sakharov and Edward Teller are included. A book for all kinds of readers, it describes the scientific foundations of controlled fusion - the joining of atomic nuclei under higher temperatures than the solar ones, with a view to obtaining energy.

(Extracted from the back cover).



-Introducción y Agradecimientos.
-1- El Invento del Doctor Spitzer.
-2- Detrás de Puertas Cerradas.
-3- Amigos y Rivales.
-4- Buscando Respuestas.
-5- El Amanecer del Tokamak.
-6- Construyendo la Gran Ciencia.
-7- Formando la Gran Liga.
-8- El Plasma Político.
-9- El Laboratorio Moderno de Fusión.
-10- Las Olimpíadas del Plasma.
-11- Direcciones Diferentes.
-12- Luchando por Vender la Fusión.
-13- A la Vista del Punto Crítico.
-14- Pasado y Futuro de la Fusión.
-Apéndice A: Física Básica de la Fusión.
-Apéndice B: Dispositivos de Fusión.



Although the original edition was published in Great Britain in 1990, its historical focus makes it very useful indeed even today for all those readers who wish to enter the fascinating development of what could become the power panacea of the next century. Since this book appeared, the science of fusion has achieved some important further milestones, well documented in the specialized press as well as the divulgative media. On the other hand, the text by Robin Herman, a journalist specialized in scientific issues, keeps up the interest for the discovery step by step of what is being perceived as a true power revolution. The author examines the foundations on which the theories giving rise to the possibility of getting energy from controlled fusion are supported, as well as the efforts done by the different nations that have partaken in the different research programs already abandoned or still being currently implemented.

The book will appeal to both those readers interested in the history of science and those who wish to have a general look at everything that has been done in this field up to the late 1980's. The author's style, divulgative and pleasant as it is, unwinds a fascinating history that will no doubt have a great transcendence in the future.


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