Pocket Statistics is published by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Included in each edition is Administrative and Organizational information, summaries of Space Flight Activity including the NASA Major Launch Record, and NASA Procurement, Financial and Workforce data. (Extracted from the foreword.) GENERAL TABLE OF CONTENTS
OUR REVIEW Many of the routine questions that the aficionados to astronautics ask NASA in search of information are answered in this little yet incredibly valuable book prepared by the staff in the NASA History Office. In it they will find loads of perfectly tabulated tables and charts rather than explanatory texts filling up its almost 200 pages. NASA publishes this book once a year, thus updating its contents with an adequate periodicity. Besides, it not only includes information about the space program in the United States, but also it mentions some flights belonging to other countries, a fact which will increase its worth. Pocket statistics: its title is perfectly suitable since, as it occupies a very small space in our library, this last edition constitutes a true treasure of information for those readers who are interested in this topic. Who among us has never - even once, prepared in a personal way their own tables and statistics about the NASA space programs? Many of them, obviously far more complete, will be found in this new edition updated on December, 31st., 1994. Astronauts, budgets, launchings, etc. are presented to our eyes in as compact and easy to read way as it has been feasible to do so. A simple look at these tables will be enough to have an idea of the history of the American space agency and what the future can provide. |
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