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-Title: Satélites de Comunicaciones.
Rodolfo Neri Vela.
McGraw-Hill/Interamericana de España, S.A.
14 + 194
B & W and color photos and graphics.
-Publication Date:
February, 1991.
-Collection: Serie McGraw-Hill de Divulgación Científica.
-ISBN: 84-89047-30-8

Front Cover


Satélites de Comunicaciones provides a general view of the applications that communication satellites have as well as the techniques needed to launch them into orbit. The book also explains the influence that the space environment has in the design of these devices, how they are structured, their function and the necessary equipment to communicate with them.

In 1985 Rodolfo Neri Vela was a crewmember in NASA mission 61B, thus becoming the first Mexican astronaut. Likewise, he has taken part in several projects by the European Space Agency.

(Extracted from the back cover).



-Prefacio. Barry G. Evans.
-1- Lanzamiento y Colocación en Órbita Geoestacionaria.
-2- El satélite y el Medio Ambiente del Espacio.
-3- Estructura y Funcionamiento de un Satélite.
-4- Tipos de Satélites y Servicios de Comunicaciones.
-5- Estructura y Funcionamiento de una Estación Terrestre.
-6- Sistemas de Servicio Fijo.
-7- Sistemas de Servicio Móvil.
-8- Nuevas Generaciones y Comunicación Entre Satélites.
-Glosario de Abreviaturas.



Responsible for one of the few steady collections specialized in the popularizing of science for the general public in Spain, McGraw-Hill/ Interamericana presents us in this occasion with a complete review on everything there is to know about artificial communication satellites, what they are like, how they work, how they are launched, etc. Published in 1989 in its first edition, the book maintains a good quality in its contents, these being a highly important current issue. In actual fact, many of the predicitions the author makes regarding the implementation of the different systems have accurately been accomplished, even if it is true that with regard to specific projects, the book has nowadays started to become somewhat outdated. Nevertheless, Rodolfo Neri explains in a clear way aimed at any non-initiated reader everything one needs to know about communication satellites, one of the most important applications of astronautics.

Widely illustrated, this work explains which the constellations of spacecrafts currently in orbit are, as well as the future developments which will occur in this field. Neri's experience, an astronaut who took part in the launching of one of the Morelos series of satellites for his country, during the mission onboard the American shuttle he participated in, is accurately reflected in this book.


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