Cuneiform Records
Djam Karet is an American electronic band not very known outside the country. It was founded in 1984 by Gayle Ellett, Mike Henderson, Chuck Oken Jr., and Henry J. Osborne. The music they perform is often improvised and always electronic, with guitars and a few keyboards as the main instruments. Suspension & Displacement was recorded in 1991 and now is re-released thanks to Cuneiform. After that time, the band has suffered several changes but has released a few more CDs. This album is perhaps the most atmospheric. The music is slow and original. You could classify it as ambient/rock. If you like this work, you can listen to Burning the Hard City (1991), Collaborator (1994), The Devouring (1997) and Live at Orion (1999).
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If you wish to purchase other recordings by this artist, you only have to click here.