This is a very interesting collection of three works played with a singular instrument: The Trautonium. It is an amazing electric instrument invented in 1930 by Friedrich Trautwein. In some way, it was a predecessor of the current synthesizers. The player presses a wire onto a metal rail, so completing a circuit. The resistance in the circuit varies depending on the point along the wire which makes contact with the rail; that in turn determines the frequency of the note. A unique feature is the series of subharmonics. This CD contains a recording of "Triostucke" (composed by Paul Hindemith, 1930) made in 1977 by Oskar Sala on his Mixtur-Trautonium (a development of the original Trautonium), a recording of "Konzertsuck fur Trautonium mit Begleitung des Streichorchesters" (composed by Paul Hindemith, 1931) and "Elektronische Impressionen" (Oskar Sala, 1978). "Triostucke" and "Konzertsuck fur Trautonium mit Begleitung des Streichorchesters" are pieces that enter Classical Music, with some traits typical of New Music. The trautoniums are accompanied by the acoustic orchestra. "Elektronische Impressionen" is pure electronic experimental music, with the philosophy of exploring new sonic continents.