Seventh Wave
Wind Songs is a new collaboration between Michael Hoppé and Tim Wheater in which both explore the world of spiritual and meditative music. This is a practically improvised album, in which Hoppé plays the keyboards and Wheater the flutes. Synthesist Richard Burmer accompanies them in the production and the addition of sonic effects. Thus they achieve a beautifully engineered album, romantic, ethereal, completely ethnic and as attractive as their former The Yearning. It was Wheater the one who, choosing the type of flute to be used in each theme, gave the only musical guide for the rest of the musicians. Thus they obtained a series of fresh pieces, full of feeling, in some occasions introspective, and in some others much more cheerful. The eight themes of the album, curiously enough, cropped up from a lack of inspiration, a circumstance that Monica, Hoppé's wife, solved by suggesting the use of Wheater's flutes without any preconceived ideas. And in this moment arose the magic that later, with Burmer's help, would give way to this wonderful release that no doubt will delight the followers of these two musicians that sign the album.
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