Domo Records

This is an unusual album by Kitaro. It does not contain music composed by him, but twelve well known themes of a Christmas character from Europe and America instead, many of them unforgettable for listeners of different generations. Kitaro performs them, contributing with elements of his own, unmistakable musical style. The title of the album, the international choir of children the artist accompanies the music with in this recording, and the fact that a part of the benefits gathered with this CD is aimed at charity activities to protect the environment, are clear proof of the pacifist vocation shaping this album. The selected pieces are: "Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring", "Silent Night", "Angels We Have Heard on High", "Joy to the World / The First Noel", "Little Drummer Boy", "Jingle Bells", "Rosa Mystica", "It Came Upon A Midnight Clear", "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen", "A la Nanita Nana", "O Holy Night" and "The Great Spirit".



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