When! Recordings / Castle Communications
The new album by Tangerine Dream continues to have a style quite similar to that of their latest works, that is to say, in an avantgarde side of pop. Anyhow, as compared to other former works, this one presents several noteworthy differences. The keyboards predominate, although the guitar stars in certain tracks. The saxo has disappeared. Nevertheless, Linda Spa (the saxophonist in former works) stays in the band, mainly as a keyboardist. The nucleus of T.D. continue to be Froese father and son, who have composed all the pieces for this album, except Elf June and the Midnight Patrol, composed by Edgar Froese and Linda Spa. The music, inspired in certain magical or mysterious questions, happens to be much less festive than that in former works. Several of the pieces possess a distinctly sinister, dark character.
Jorge Munnshe
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